*New name, same vision & people. Learn more HERE.
(formerly Corvallis Evangelical Church)

What we believe
About God:
...that there is one God, who exists in relational love in three, equal persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
...in the deity and humanity of Christ, in His virgin birth, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to heaven, and in His coming again.
...in the work of The Holy Spirit to administer God’s grace, to redeem believers into relationship with God, to breathe life into the Church and to sanctify and produce fruit through believer’s actions and words
About the Bible:
...that it is the inspired, authoritative word of God
...it is the story of God's redemptive work throughout history, revealing the nature of God as that of love and grace, righteousness and justice, longing to redeem and restore, all of creation.
...that as followers of God we are to study the Scriptures and seek to reflect the values of Scripture in our daily lives, with the help of The Holy Spirit.
About Salvation:
...eternal life is a gift of God received by faith in Jesus Christ. We believe in the Spirit-filled life and the sanctifying work of The Holy Spirit, resulting from the total dedication of the believer to the whole will of God.
Compassion Church is a part of a larger organization called the Pacific Conference of the Evangelical Church. This organization gives our churches a common set of beliefs and standards, but also gives us freedom to be the church God has called us to be.
We are part of The Pacific Conference of the Evangelical Church.