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*New name, same vision & people. Learn more HERE.
(formerly Corvallis Evangelical Church)

Dinner served every Wednesday @ 6 PM
Doors open @ 5 PM
(October - May)
Let's Eat Participation Agreement
When the Let's Eat ministry began it was led and supported by a relatively small group of people from CEC. As the ministry has grown we've seen an increase in the participation of outside organizations and individuals. We value holding this ministry with open hands and gladly welcome any that desire to serve our city. While we don't require our volunteers to hold CEC'c beliefs, we do want the heart of this ministry to remain focused on the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. As such we ask that all who volunteer for Let's Eat read and sign a participation agreement. The document can be found displayed below. There is also an option to download a copy of the agreement. After thoughtfully reading the agreement you may sign a physical copy and give it to Garrett Beatty or you can follow the link at the bottom of the page to digitally sign the agreement.
Thank you for your desire to serve our city. We look forward to serving with you!
Click the PDF icon to download participation agreement
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